For the last number of years, Southern has been designing and producing a range of key national reports for the Local Government Management Agency Research Department. These are time-sensitive, and require great care and attention to detail, working with information and source material that is often complex. We take great pride in creating these reports, knowing they are helping to educate and inform government and local authorities as they work to shape the Ireland of tomorrow.
Local Government Management Authority
LGMA Research Department
To educate and inform - report design
Migrant Profiles Report
Background / Objectives
This important national report contains information relating to the profile of the migrant population nationally and regionally in Ireland.
In recent years, the number and percentage of foreign-born residents in Ireland has been steadily increasing. This document charts these changing demographics and social and geographical shifts, allowing them to be factored into future planning and resource allocation.
Target Audiences
Government, local government, third level institutions, general public.
Create concept cover and devise a design style that disseminates the information in a clear, concise and reader-friendly way.
Create Concept Cover and spread style;
Layout, format and typeset 600 pages including 542 tables.
Re-create and apply style to 148 individual graphs.
Project Team
The project was led by our creative director Richard Meade. His design team comprised Seamus Quirke, Senior Designer and Michelle Gammell, Designer. The project was managed by Dermot Breen, Project Director.
Back up designers were Dylan O’Neill and Philip Healy.
Planning & Approach
Briefing meeting
Lead time established.
Resource allocation & planning
Concept development – desk research, devising of themes, tone and messaging
Style development.
Layout, format & typeset
Create graphs & tables
Trend Analysis Report
Background / Objectives
The annual performance indicators are the key mechanism in place at a national level to
monitor and report on the performance of local government. This document reports on these trends but additionally, it considers the methodological issues that impact on how effectively local government can track trends and progress over time.
Target Audiences
Government, local government, third level institutions, general public.
Create concept cover and devise a design style that disseminates the information in a clear, concise and reader-friendly way.
Create Concept Cover and spread style;
Layout, format and typeset 600 pages including 542 tables.
Re-create and apply style to 148 individual graphs.
Customer Services Report
Background / Objectives
The Customer Services Report has been published yearly over the last three years, as part of a three-year programme of work that was overseen by the Corporate Committee Research Advisory Group (RAG). The report presents trends in relation to awareness about local authority services provided, channels used by the public to engage and communicate with local authorities, services most frequently used by the public, levels of satisfaction with these services, and the public’s general sentiments about local authorities.
Target Audiences
Government, local government, third level institutions, general public.
Create concept cover and devise a consistent design style applied over the three consecutive publications, that presents the information in a clear, concise and reader-friendly way.
Layout, format and typeset 84 pages including 32 tables. Re-create and apply style to 21 individual graphs. Create Irish language edition.
Climate Action Key Performance Indicators Report
Background / Objectives
The Local Government’s Climate Action Key Performance Indicator reports compiled by LGMA cover the extensive actions infrastructure of climate action staff and cross functional action teams in place in Local authorities – through the implementation of adaptation actions, active travel actions, social housing retrofits and the activation of severe weather response plans. Southern have produced two of these documents for LGMA, which are of critical importance in educating our population and workforce to help meet our 2050 Climate targets.
Target Audiences
Government, local government, third level institutions, general public.
Create concept cover and devise a consistent design style applied over the three consecutive publications, that presents the information in a clear, concise and reader-friendly way.
Layout, format and typeset 28 pages including 12 tables. Re-create and apply style to 12 individual graphs. Create Irish language edition.